Vacuum excavation system for HDD drilling

Vacuum systems are a popular tool for many types of contractors on drilling field, especially for no dig drilling field, like HDD.  

There are three primary types of uses, each of which requires slightly different configurations and specifications.
1. Support HDD unit (transport drilling mud, expose utilities, etc.) Tank size should be large enough to hold drilling mud that can be hauled  off from rig site.
2. Hydroexcavation (use vacuum instead of trencher or excavator to dig hole or trench; use vacuum to expose utilities)
Tools to allow for using high pressure water or air to “dig” the hole are necessary.  Also need a tank large enough to hold the “spoils” created during the digging.

3. Water & sewer cleaning & maintenance (Use high pressure water to clean out sewer lines or vacuum to suck up water.)
Must generate enough water pressure to effectively clean the pipe.Must also have a large water tank (for use in the washing).

Other application of vacuum system

Vacuum pump is kind of transfer pump utilize high vacuum pressure to transfer drilling cuttings, dust, solids, etc… It is widely used together with drilling waste management system for un-landed drilling waste management. To transfer drilling cuttings for high G dryer shaker or vertical cuttings dryer. The vacuum system utilize good sealing to avoid any disposal drop to the ground for pollution. It can keep the jobsite clean.

GN Equipments Adopted for Sludge Separation

GN Solids America is actually a firm mostly regarded as a very good supplier and manufacturer of desander and drilling mud desander,but additional and more corporations from environment protection field are acquiring from GN, like for sludge separation project.

This sludge separation project consists of these facilities:

1. Double deck desander model,this desander is ideal for separation larger particles in sludge,by using renowned Italy motors, this desander can produce a fierce vibrating force up to 7 G, It’s effective for the 1 step of treating.

In this case, as per particular demand from clients, GN added drilling mud desander for the treated material.

2.A high speed centrifuge is adopted here for picking out the finer smaller sized particles. Principle of operation is gravity distinction of treated material. By altering the speed of centrifuge bowl and impeller, two phase separation is reached.

So decanter? here Decanter Centrifuge Principle And Theory Of Operation also introduce very more.
GN’s desander have drilling mud desander and Mini Desander Cleaner,decanter centrifuge,all is sensible configuration in a lot of fields,When you have far more interest in GN Solids America, please take a look at our web page at

Safety valve for Shear pump

Shear pump is a kind of centrifugal pump no need safety valve at outlet. Below is reasons explained from function and pressure source.

Explain on Functions to confirm shear pump no need safety valve

Shear pump is a kind of centrifugal pump. Drilling mud get a certain amount of kinetic energy while leaving impeller under the impeller rotating centrifugal force. Mud also get some certain of pressure in the pump housing, the pressure does not vary with the change of time, pump outlet size, but only depends on impeller structure, size, and rotating speed. As the pressure at shear pump outlet is not vary per pump flow or working condition. It is no need to match safety valve.

Explain on pressure to confirm shear pump no need safety valve

Driving motor and shear pump connected directly with belt. Design speed of impeller is 2200RPM (max.). Under normal working situation, like for 60hz motor, max. speed of shear pump impeller is 1800rpm, much smaller than the design speed. The maximum pressure generated from high speed rotating of impeller centrifugal force is constant. The max. shear pump pressure is 0.47MPa. The outlet pipeline and pump casing can surely withstand the pressure. In this case, it is no need to match safety valve.

Even in the case of the outlet is blacked or the valve is closed, pressure generated from the impeller rotating is larger than pump outlet, drilling mud cannot be discharged, and circulated within pump housing under the rotating force of impeller. If the outlet is blacked or the valve is closed, and mud circulated within the pump housing for a long time, the worst condition is to increase the temperature of pump housing in some degree. The pump pressure will not increase. Therefore, it is no need for mounting safety valve in shear pump outlet pipe.

Mud tank system on wheels for water well drilling

Water Well drilling is the activities of drilling a hole in the ground for the extraction of ground water for life or industry usage.

For fast movement after one water well and for another jobsite, more and more customer prefer Mud tank system on wheels for water well drilling, also named as trailer skid mud system or mobile unit mud system. 100 ~ 200GPM Mud tank system on wheels is the most normal capacity for water well drilling mud system.

World top mud solids control system manufacturer GN Solids Control have difference standard proposal for 200GPM Mud tank system on wheels to cater for different customer demands.

GN High standard 200GPM mud tank system on wheels for water well drilling, with 2 shaker machine, main equipment as below:

1) Small shale shaker: GNZS752, with 2 panel shaker screens

2) Mud cleaner with desilter: GNZJ752-4N

3) Jet mud mixer (mixing hopper with mixing pump)

4) mud tank with wheels (trailer skid mud tank), the trailer skid is for option.

GN Normal standard 200GPM mud tank system on wheels for water well drilling, with 1 each double deck shaker machine, main equipment as below:

1) GNZJ753E-4N mud cleaner, 3 panel shaker screens, with double deck shale shaker, bottom deck performed as shale shaker, top deck performed as desilter

2) Jet mud mixer (mixing hopper with mixing pump)

3) Mud tank with wheels (trailer skid mud tank), the trailer skid is for option.

GN Economic standard 200GPM mud tank system for water well drilling, with 1 each double deck shaker machine, main equipment as below:

1) GNZJ753E-4N mud cleaner with double deck shale shaker, bottom deck performed as shale shaker, top deck performed as desilter

2) Small mud tank underneath the shale shaker

GN Solids Control also make customized system per customer special request. If you have any inquire, contact GN Group for solution.

Air compressor for oil and gas drilling rig

General description of air compressor

The air compressor, also named as air pump. It is a basic equipment of modern industry. It is used to generate pneumatic power system. Air compressor can convert the original motion (typically an electric motor) into mechanical energy of the gas pressure; it is a device to compressed air get air pressure.

Air compressor is widely used in industry, like for painting, for cooling. It is also wided used in drilling rig site.

1) Air compressor can power for vacuum pump in oil and gas drilling rigs, especially for drilling waste management site.

2) Air compressor can be the air source of positive pressurized control panel used for oil and gas drilling rig site for hazardous area. Especially used for VFD centrifuge control panel.

There are many type of air compressor, like Fixed type, mobile type and closed type. And per the different design principle, air compressor can be divided into different types.  

Below are the most common types of air compressor

1) Displacement compressors –It is directly depend on changing the volume of gas to increase air pressure.
2) Piston compressor – It is a kind of Displacement compressors, the compression main part is a piston, the piston make reciprocate movement.
3) Rotary compressors – It is a kind of Displacement compressors, it compressed air by the forced movement of the rotating element.
4) Liquid – piston compressors – It is rotary positive displacement compressor, in which water or other liquid as a piston to compress the gas, and the gas be discharged.