Decanter centrifuge applications and Case study

As one
of the top decanter centrifuges manufacturer in China, GN solids control
decanter centrifuge has been widely used for oil , gas and mining industry. The
main applications as as below:

traditional application- solids control system, for barite recovery and fine
solids separation

VFD centrifuge can be used for barite recovery, high gravity mud and low
gravity mud by changing different speed. But for some clients the VFD
centrifuge with higher cost, we will recommend rate speed centrifuge with 2 or
3 sets of different speed pulleys, they need to change the pulley when changing
the speed.

study: Video: GN Decanter Centrifuge for solids control system ,

Dewatering unit together with dewatering unit( flocculation mixing system),
sometimes inside the container, sometimes on the same skid for easy movable.

dewatering unit with big bowl decanter centrifuge has been used for dredging
slurry separation, micro tunneling, pilings, and water based drilling cuttings
disposal. And after treated by GN decanter centrifuge, press filter is used to
get dryer solids cake.

study: Solids Control equipment combined with dewatering unit for processing

Drilling waste management system / drilling cuttings disposal: There are 3

For water based drilling cuttings, high-G drying
shaker with decanter centrifuge

For oil based drilling cuttings treatment,
vertical cuttings dryer with decanter centrifuge

Only use big bowl decanter centrifuge

For water based drilling cuttings, water-based mud
special vertical cuttings dryer with decanter centrifuge

study: Video: GN High G Drying Shaker and Centrifuge for CNPC water based waste

GN Drilling Waste Management System working in Cyprus for Offshore waste for
oil based drilling cuttings,

If you
are not sure which is the best solution for your applications, pls contact with
GN solids sales for technical consultant.

Drilling Waste Management System Design

Drilling waste management system
contains two main parts:

Solid Waste Management – Real time with
transfering equipment, to Hi G dryer shaker, or verticle cuttings dryer, and then
Solidification processes; liquid as liquid waste, or reused.

Waste Management
– Dewatering, Water Treatment and Solidification
of remaining Solids

The solidification process we use is the
world’s leading liquid waste disposal solution. Super-absorbent polymers
convert liquid waste streams into solids quickly with less, “bulking up”,
saving you time and money and reducing landfill volumes.  Process
equipment is easily operated at the liquid waste generation point, eliminating
the need for vacuum trucks, thus improving the safety and associated liability
of current liquid waste treatment programs. The GN drilling cuttings
solidification or stabilization unit is for final treatment of drilling
cuttings or waste sludge after the drying treatment by GN
vertical cuttings dryer
and high G drying shaker or decanter

GN Solids Control have designed and
developed its own way for waste management equipment to be used in different
applications, GN modular drilling waste management units are small
packages of different function for drilling waste management. The modular waste
management equipment include drilling cuttings transfer unit, high G dryer
shaker unit, waste mud transfer unit, packaged skid mounted vertical cuttings
dryer, and decanter
centrifuge with telescopic skid
, and drilling waste container.

The modules contains all the needed
process in solid waste management, or liquid waste handling process, and can be
easily combined together for different site. Sometimes the clients dig holes,
or build up a temporary highland, to save a lot of equipment cost, and at the
same time, keep the whole system, ZERO discharge.

Solid control machinery manufactures GN Solids America LLC’s GNSL series jet mud mixer

GN Solids America LLC’s parent company, GN Solids Control
LTD located near Beijing, China, is the solids control machinery manufacture
who exports to sixty plus countries around the world’s oil and other drilling
regions.  With many other solids control
machinery manufacture by GN Solids Control LTD, the GNSL series jet mud mixer
is widely used paired with other solids control machinery and/or system.

GNSL series drilling fluid jet mud
’s purpose mixes the drilling
fluid to many different add chemicals to change the density and viscosity of
the drilling fluid. This drilling fluid machinery can meet the demand of the
fluid weighting and mixing of drilling solids control system for many kinds of
depth of drilling. Jet mud mixer structure contain of one centrifugal pump, one
feeding hopper and the control panel (optional). Frankly, the pipes and valves
connecting all these parts, the mud hopper use of the jet mud mixer is either
4“and 6”
opening for additive chemicals.

The inner wall boundary, cavitation and
erosion; swirl mixer pressure can’t bigger than 30% outlet pressure; the value
of mixer should operate in flexible, able to seal and reliable; each hoop and
flange joint should be properly sealed for reliable working order and don’t
have leakage. It is integrated with Ventura hopper and mechanical seal, jet
mixing pump which are connected with manifold valve. 

The drilling fluid jet mud mixer can assist
rig workers  to get the ideal drilling
fluid with good properties by adding bentonite clay, polymer and other chemical
powder additives. The pump, hopper  and
the control panel all can be installed on a single skid, or on the skid tank end or separately with the hopper on a tank
top and the pump at tank side. 

Transportation and Storage of GN Decanter Centrifuge

As the leading manufacturer of solids control equipment
in China
, Hebei
GN Solids Control Co., Ltd always focus on the delicate details to improve its product
quality and to distinguish itself from other China’s suppliers. Take the star
equipment decanter centrifuge
for instance, which sell around 200 sets a year,
especially popular in Latin America, Africa and the Middle East. GN Solids
Control takes unique protection device to protect the decanter centrifuge
during transportation and give detailed instructions for storage to keep it

 When transported, fix the bowl by fixing belt
and tightening belt before long distance transportation to protect the main
bearings. Lift at the appointed eyes when assembling and disassembling. Fix the
centrifuge stably at the well covered truck or closed cabin when transported so
as to prevent collision and influences by bad weather. If the decanter
centrifuge is not be used immediately, the decanter centrifuge should be placed
in a warehouse ventilating well with a relative moisture below 90% at 25 ℃. Temperature should be no higher than +55℃ and no lower than -25No strongly corrosive
should exist. Smear grease or paint the places which are likely to rust if for
long time storage. To prevent dysfunction of electrical components caused by
damp, electrify the control cabinet once half a year.

 With the powerful protection measure for
transportation and detailed instructions for storage, the quality of GN
decanter centrifuge is improved. Besides serving as the last stage treatment
machine in solids
control system
the decanter centrifuge can also used to treat oil sludge with chemical added,
and for dewatering unit with dosing systems. In addition, GN also designed and
manufactured specialized waste management decanter centrifuge to handle the
drilling waste discharged from the vertical cutting dryer as second phase

Oilfield screen shaker separator

Oilfield screen shaker separator normally called oilfield shale shaker or screen separator. It is the first step solids control equipment used in oil field and other drilling activities. It is the necessary solids control equipment for mud systems, no matter for oil and gas drilling, HDD, CBM, TBM, or piling.


Per the motion type of screen shaker separator, there are linear motion screen shaker separator and balance elliptical motion screen shaker separator.  
Oilfield screen shaker separator is normally linear motion type. And linear motion screen shaker separator is the most popular and long history type. Linear motion is more reliable. It can suits more kinds of jobsite condition.
While Balance elliptical screen shaker separator is very limited with jobsite and mud condition. When there are big load of mud, or the mud fall onto screen shaker deck unequally, the motion will be damaged and the BEM shaker cannot be working well. Mud will be over flow.

Per shaker deck quantity, there are single deck screen shaker separator and double deck screen shaker separator. Double deck screen shaker separator can be used for scalping shaker separator. The top deck use coarse mesh screen for pre-separation, while the bottom deck use normal mesh wire screen per jobsite condition.

Per the difference of applications and G force, screen shaker separator can be divided into solids control screen shaker separator and drilling waste management high G screen shaker separator. Beside the application G force is different, for solids control screen shaker separator and drilling waste high G force screen shaker separator, the feeding type of the 2 screen shaker separator is also different.
Solids control screen shaker separator is normally use top type or back type weir feeder, or box feeder, while drilling waste screen shaker separator is use hopper feeding.
Solids Control screen shaker separator can be fed by slurry pump or fed directly from the rig manifold under gravity. While drilling waste screen shaker separator can be fed by screw conveyer or cuttings transfer pump.