Dewatering unit high speed centrifuge

GNLW363 centrifuge is the most common model for dewatering unit. It is equivalent model to Derrick DE-1000 and Swaco 518.

There are chemicals for biosolids for the fluids phase from drilling mud.The fluids phase will be flocculated by chemicals before going into centrifuge.The very fine solids will be thickening to bigger size that centrifuge can treat. Then clean water available.

Centrifuge dewatering unit for drilling fluids

Centrifuge dewatering unit is a kind of equipment for biosolids management to thickening and flocculation of very fine solids on drilling fluids.

Thickening and dewatering are important components of biosolids management programs. The proper solids concentration is critical in stabilization processes from aerobic digestion to advanced alkaline stabilization. The recent advances in solids thickening and dewatering have increased performance and capture rates while often reducing chemical and polymer consumption, electrical usage, space requirements and odor potential. In addition, automation has reduced the degree of operator attention required, further reducing the cost of operation.

Mongoose replacement shale shaker in drilling mud system

GNZS594 is design and made by world top solids control manufacturer- GN Solids Control.

It is not a copy of Swaco Mongoose, GNZS594 shaker is an interchangeable shaker model for Swaco Mongoose shaker.

Advantages of GNZS594 shale shaker:

1) Wedged type shaker screen for fast screen changing

2) 4-panel shaker type for a dryer separation. It can be used as High G shaker.

3) Exactly the same size composite material shaker screen, interchangeable with Swaco Mongonse shaker

For more information of GNZS594 shaker, you can contact GN group.

ZJ30 drilling mud system in Oman

GN Solids Control company have sent a complete mud treatment system to Oman for a ZJ30 land drilling rig.

The ZJ30 mud cleaning system including the complete 4 stage solids control treatment:

1) 2 ea shale shaker model GNZS594

2) Desander separator 1 each

3) Desilter separator 1 each

4) Decanter centrifuge for barite recovery, 1 each, middle speed

For detailed parameters of the drilling mud system in Oman, you can visit GN website or contact with GN engineering group.

Desuign Purpose of GN Decanter centrifuge motors

World leading centrifuge manufacturer – GN Solids Control launched its latest design decanter centrifuge with direct connecting motors.

Some customers showed great interest on it, and have question about the purpose of main drive motor and back drive motor in GN decanter centrifuge design. Blow we elaborate on this.

Main motor and back motor is powered for the centrifuge. It is the similar connection design with Derrick centrifuge. Main motor is connected directly with bowl. Back motor is connected with gearbox and then connect with centrifuge screw propeller.