Oily sludge separation system

Oily sludge separation is a kind of waste management system. Oily sludge treatment includes separating industry oily waste and drilling cuttings with crude oil. The treament of oily sludege is to recovery crude oil and dryen solids / cutting for direct discharge or other utilization.

Mani equipment for oily sludge separation is vertical cuttings dryer and decantering centrifuge high speed.

Vertical cuttings dryer used to separate solids and fluids. It can reduce oil on cuttings to 5%. Decanter centrifuge used to separate fine solids on fluids phase.

Hydrocyclone Desilter for drilling fluids

Hydrocyclone Desilter for drilling fluids is the 3rd stage solids control equipment for drilling fluids recycling system.

Desilter utilize smaller size Hydrocyclone to separate smaller size solids. Usually, 4 inch hydrocyclone used for drilling fluids desilter. It can remove drilling solids size over 27 microns.

Quality of hydrocyclones combined desilter various from 4 ea to 20 each, to get different treating capacity.

Top 1 Decanter Centrifuge Manufacturing in China

As China top 1 manufacturer for decanter centrifuge, GN have opened its new factory in Beijing. 

GN Solids Control is No. 1 in China for directly exporting on solids control equipment and different types of centrifuge. GN decanter centrifuge widely used in oil & drilling and waste management field.

GN main decanter centrifuge model:

1) GNLW363G high speed centrifuge decatering type

2) GN553 big bowl centrifuge decatering type,

Both model GN decanter centrifuge have fixed speed and variable speed (VFD) for option. For more details, visit GN Solids Control.

IEC standard shale shaker

World top solids control manufacturer- GN Solids Control is among the few company who can offer shale shaker meet Australia and U.S standard.

GNZS703 shale shaker with IEC standard is welcomed well by Australia, U.S and Europe with its high quality and reasonable price.

GNZS703 IEC standard shale shaker parameter as following:

Capacity: 528GPM

Vibrating strength (Max.): 7.5G (Adjustable)

Vibrating model: Linear motion

Shaker screen: 2.6m2 (3 panel)

Mud gas separator with choke manifold

Mud gas separator is used to treat the gas invade mud. The gas invade med usually goes into choke manifold to lower down presure and then go into mud gas separator to kill the gas.

For easy mmovement, many drilling job site requrest mud gas separator and choke manufold mounted in the same skid.

GN have designed and made ZYQ series mud gas separator is one of the hot sale model woldwide. It is foldable and mounted together with choke manifold.